How Much Does It Cost To Hire Janitor Service
The question How Much Does It Cost to Hire Janitor Service has been a common question in Singapore. We may talk about the hiring of a domestic helper but for some other situations, the domestic helpers employed on a full-time basis may not be relevant. For example, anyone who is not in a position of spending his or her hours carrying out cleanliness at home on a regular interval can consider hiring part time cleaners. This may come if you are committed in workplace or if you lack the energy of cleaning the home. In the long run, the part-timers are less of financial commitment as compared to full-time domestic helpers.
Here is what you should have in mind as you hire a part timer janitor
The type of part time cleaners present
These part time cleaners may be local freelancers (PR’s or Singaporean citizens), or they can be foreign workers who are attached to a certain cleaning services company. What is important for you is to verify that the part time cleaners hired are legal. You may get two categories of janitors who are doing the cleaning illegally. These are the full-time domestic helpers who normally do part time cleaning jobs outside their job stations or some who are on a social visit and engage in part-time cleaning works while they pass by
The cost of the services of part time cleaners
How much do they usually charge? Normally, the local freelancers are going to cost $10 to $25 per hour depending on the scope of the job. Normally, for complex cleaning requirements or large areas; the cost per hour is going to be relatively higher. Other factors which are going to change price includes the days in which the job is going to be done. Is it the weekday or weekend? Typically, the weekend rates are quite high due to limited supply and high demand. If you go for part time cleaners through an agency, then you are likely to pay more. This is because there is an agency fee. It is the agency which is going to certify that the cleaners are in the country legally and they have not broken any law by moonlighting. Through an agency, hiring the part-time cleaner is going to cost you $10 to $35 for every hour. This will go for a minimum time of 3 to 4 hours every week. Depending on an agency that you choose, you may get charged agency fee of between $200 and $300.
Typical Job scope of any part time cleaner
Most of the part time cleaners, whether assigned to clean your home or your office, are going to clean the floor, kitchen, and toilet. Where appropriate, they are going to help you iron and fold your clothing. They will also empty the bins and change bed linen.
Some cleaners will go ahead and clean fans, doors, windows and mirrors on a periodic basis. If necessary, you may request them to clean your refrigerator, cooker hoods, and oven; since these are more labor intensive jobs; you should be ready to pay higher charges.
Which type of cleaner should you hire?
The question here is whether you are going to hire local part time cleaner (freelance) or a cleaner from a registered agency. With this, there are some three outstanding factors that you should put into consideration before making a solid decision on whether to hire a part-time cleaner from an agency or a local freelance part-timer
This is always a deciding factor. Hiring a part time cleaner via an agency is more costly, but this does not mean that you should avoid. Going as per your budget, the part time cleaners from the agencies may make your life to be more convenient for you. Some of the better agencies are having online portals which will allow you to indicate your language preference, location, and specific job scope
Some of the part-time cleaner’s agencies with online presence here in Singapore include:
• Domestic one
• 3C
• Auntie Cleaners
• A-Team Amah and cleaners
However, if a relatively lower cost is your main preference, then you should go for the local freelancers who are charging much less? Ensure you carry out a thorough background on the freelance part timers so as to ensure they are working in a legal way
This is another critical factor that you should put into consideration. You may get a cleaner who has been recommended highly, but if it not possible or if it is not convenient for them to travel to your office or home then it is obvious that you should look for an alternative option. On the other hand, agencies which have a pool of the part time cleaners will be willing to accommodate your needs without looking at your location. What you should know is, if your location is less convenient than the cost will be relatively high.
You may find it harder to find the contact information of a local freelance part time cleaner. If this is your case, then look through forums such as Singapore Brides, Singapore motherhood or Hardware Zone for some recommendations. However, just like any other thing that you have read on the internet, you should not take what you read at face value. Remember, good reviews can be posted by cleaners themselves, bad reviews may as well be posted by the close competitors Alternatively, you may make another decision and post your request on sites such as Craigslist or Gum tree and hope for the best. Be sure not to put a lot of confidential information on the online platform
You can be in as position of locating a series of agencies which are hiring part time cleaners online. However, never assume that what is written on the website is the same as what is written on the contract. Be prepared to contest hidden cost or any other discrepancy which may arise. It is always good for you to go to a locally based agency or a freelance part-time janitor. If you go for an agency, ensure it is fully licensed and qualified; make sure it the agency has been in this service industry for a good amount of time. Both the company and the freelance part-time janitor should guarantee satisfaction for all the services they offer.