Part-Time Maid Guide 2020
Part-Time Maid Guide 2020. Life in Singapore is always busy and bustling with a load of things to do around the clock! Taking care of the house just seems difficult to do when you work schedule and life is extremely busy. Trying to work both the home and the office can become very stressful and might cause issues with help.
A great way to reduce stress and the burden of everyday life is to hire a part-time maid. Here is a part-time maid guide 2020 that will help you understand and make the right choice for yourself.
Part-Time Maid Guide 2020-
Why part-time and not a full-time maid?
One of the major reasons people choose part-time maids over full-time maids is the cost.
Full-time maids cost a lot more and need extra fees and forms to be filled and sanctioned in Singapore.
It is a lot easier to hire a part-time maid in Singapore and also ensures more privacy as the maid will be at your home for three to four hours only.
If you hire a part-time maid, you will not have to worry about their insurance, living space, health requirements among other things. These are basic requirements that every owner of a full-time maid has to adhere to since there are strict laws in Singapore for keeping full-time maids.
Hiring the part-time maid:
There are multiple sources from where you can hire a part-time maid in Singapore.
You can put an ad on the internet or newspaper. You just need to fill in all your requirements and the amount you are willing to pay or negotiate at.
Another way is to ask your friends and family or acquaintances who have been using a part-time maid or a company for their homes. This is the best way to get a part-time mad as you can count on the references of your friends and family. For your own peace of mind, you can do a personal check about the part-time maid as well.
There are many companies that provide part-time maid services among other cleaning services. Choose a company that is well known, trusted, and has been in the business for more than a decade.
Things to look for in a part-time maid:
There are many factors that you should consider before you hire a part-time maid. This includes their experience, qualification, reputation, approach towards kids, their background and habits, cleanliness, and payment.
When it comes to hiring a part-time made, ensure you choose someone who has years of experience in the field. If you choose a novice, you will have to teach him/her everything and explains very minute things. This process becomes stressful since you might have to repeat yourself a few times. If you choose someone who has a lot of experience, you won’t have to explain everything to them. They will do all the work for you.
Qualification and reputation outside matters a lot too. If you have kids who need taking care of, ensure that the part-time maid has a standard minimum educational and professional qualification. It is always better to have someone who is friendly and knows how to take care of kids and help them with minor homework.
The part-time maid’s reputation will represent how they work and what they are known for. This makes choosing someone easier since you will already know if the person is a good fit or not for you.
Check for their habits and hygiene levels. You’ll know if the person is clean and maintains themselves if they dress appropriately and have a clean look. If you have babies in the house, tell them to bathe every day and keep themselves extra clean when they come to work.
Always try and avoid part-time maids who have drinking and or smoking habits. They will be a nuisance in the house and might even be the cause for more stress than relief.
Check the market rate and standard part-time maid fee in Singapore before accepting a part-time maid’s offer. While underpaying for a service is a bad thing, some maids have the tendency to ask for more than the standard rate for less work. Negotiate and come to the common ground before striking a deal.
If you go through this thorough guide to Hiring Part-Time Maid Guide 2020, you will surely be able to get the perfect part-time maid for your house. Just follow these suggestions and you will be at peace.